Who are we
Borachart Ship Chartering Services Co. Ltd.
Bora shipping and trading has been established in 1985 with main scope of business based on inter-Mediterranean/Black sea dry markets. Initial target was mini-bulkers as there was an undeniable demand in the market supported by new buildings of Turkish owners at those years. We have reached our target within two years of establishment by becoming one of the 3 leading brokering companies in Türkiye.
In 1991 competitive chartering activities reached its peak since establishment. While achieving the main target, the company has established itself at all sides of marine related affairs from agency to ship owning, insurance to representations.
In mid 1990’s the activities decreased due to diversified fields of interest. Several vessels have been purchased and the number of ships under management increased which have automatically resulted in reduced number of competitive chartering activity.
Re-organization works, to improve efficiency and professionalism, has been put into action during late 90’s, thus individual companies formed up for each of the main sources of business.
In 2000, chartering has also been re-organized under the name of “Bora Ship Chartering Services Co. Ltd.”. Following the re-delivery of ships under management and with the arrival of new/experienced brokers, main direction of interest has returned back to the competitive brokering, as it used to be.
In 2001/2002 brokering activities took a new momentum and started breaking company’s own records every year.
As of the end of 2002, we are proud to be the number one competitive brokering house in whole Mediterranean region, likely with the most crowded team of brokers backed by latest technologies.
As of June 2004, we have further strengthened the brokering team while moving to our new premises from which moment brokering activities on tanker and chemicals has also increased their presence in the market.
Competitive chartering is always our main scope, but obviously not the only one. Bora chartering was the exclusive chartering arm of Bora Shipping group of companies for whom we handled commercial management of vessels owned and/or chartered by the groups affiliates/joint ventures, until 31.12.2005, on which date board of directors of Bora Shipping and Bora Chartering have decided to end the on-going relations owing to different fields of interest that they were willing to chase. Bora chartering has become a fully independent brokering house as of 31.12.2005.
By the experience gained from the management of river ships during 90’s, we provide our clients both contract of affreightment and voyage basis contacts in the area of Russian inland river systems and Caspian Sea.